Daughter is a Force wielder who lived on Mortis with her father and brother who were known as the Father…
The Clone Wars
Day 64 – Shmi Skywalker
Shmi Skywalker was Anakin Skywalker’s mother in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. After Anakin left with Qui-Gon…
Day 55 – Voe Atell
Voe Atell was the senator from the Confederacy of Independent Systems who appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As…
Day 47 – Shaak Ti
Shaak Ti was a Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council in Attack of the Clones and Revenge…
Day 44 – Adi Gallia
Adi Gallia was a Jedi who sat on the Jedi High Council in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the…
Day 39 – Neeyutnee
Neeyutnee was the Queen of Naboo during most of the Clone Wars. She appeared in four episodes of The Clone…
Day 32 – Nala Se
Nala Se was Chief Medical Scientist for her homeworld Kamino. She appeared in several episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. During…
Day 27 – Teckla Minnau
Teckla Minnau is a handmaiden introduced in Attack of the Clones after Cordé, Versé, and Dormé. You can barely see…
Day 18 – Gardulla the Hutt
Gardulla the Hutt, whose full name is Gardulla Besadii the Elder, was a female Hutt crime lord who lived on…
Day 12 – Steela Gerrera
Steela Gerrera was a character from the Clone Wars era of Star Wars. She appeared in the Onderon arc episodes of…