Apailana was the Queen of Naboo during the events of Revenge of the Sith. You can also find her in…
Day 247 – Breha Organa
Breha Organa was the Queen of Alderaan. She and her husband Senator Bail Organa adopted Leia shortly after she was…
Day 154 – Mon Mothma
At various points in her life Mon Mothma served as a senator, the leader of the Rebel Alliance, and Chancellor…
Day 136 – Shu Mai
Shu Mai was President of the Commerce Guild and member of the Separatist Council in Attack of the Clones and Revenge…
Day 110 – Sola Naberrie
Sola Naberrie was Padmé Amidala’s older sister. Her scenes were cut out of the final version of Attack of the…
Day 109 – Bana Breemu
Bana Breemu was a character cut out of Revenge of the Sith. She was a member of the Galactic Senate representing…
Day 84 – Padmé Amidala
Padmé Amidala was a Queen and later a Senator for her homeworld Naboo. She was one of a group of…
Day 59 – Sheltay Retrac
Sheltay Retrac was an aide to Bail Organa at the end of the Clone Wars in Revenge of the Sith.…
Day 46 – Stass Allie
Stass Allie was a Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council in Revenge of the Sith. She took…
Day 37 – Sly Moore
Sly Moore was an aide to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. She first appeared in Attack of the Clones and can…