Hera Syndulla was the pilot of the Ghost in the TV series Star Wars Rebels and a General with the Rebel…
365 Star Wars Women
Day 247 – Breha Organa
Breha Organa was the Queen of Alderaan. She and her husband Senator Bail Organa adopted Leia shortly after she was…
Day 241 – Jyn Erso
Jyn Erso stole and transmitted the plans to the Death Star in Rogue One which led to its destruction at…
Day 236 – Siv
Siv, a member of the Scyre clan on the planet Parnassos, appeared in the Phasma novel and in a flashback…
Day 235 – Lina Graf
Lina Graf searched for her abducted parents in the Adventures in Wild Space book series and later became a commander…
Day 233 – Ta’a Chume
Ta’a Chume was the Queen Mother and ruler of the Hapes Consortium introduced in the Legends novel The Courtship of…
Day 231 – Val
Val was a member of Tobias Beckett’s crew in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Val (played by Thandiwe Newton) was…
Day 229 – Jas Emari
Jas Emari was a Zabrak bounty hunter who appeared in all three books in the Aftermath book trilogy by Chuck Wendig.…
Day 226 – Larma D’Acy
Larma D’Acy was a commander with the Resistance in The Last Jedi. Actress Amanda Lawrence played D’Acy in The Last…
Day 223 – Alema Rar
Alema Rar was a Jedi Knight in Legends books who turned to the dark side of the Force. Alema debuted…