A’Yark was a Tusken Raider tribal leader in the novel Kenobi and the short story “Rites” from From a Certain…
365 Star Wars Women
Day 476 – Aurodia Ventafoli
Aurodia Ventafoli was a famous singer on Dryden Vos’s yacht in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Ventafoli was played by…
Day 474 – Dava Cassamam
Dava Cassamam was a deep cloud-miner who enjoyed a good game of sabacc in Solo: A Star Wars Story. In…
Day 446 – Auren Yomm
Auren Yomm was a talented athlete who appeared in three episodes of the animated series Star Wars: Droids. Yomm appeared…
Day 436 – Peppi Bow
Peppi Bow was a shaak herder in The Clone Wars episode “Blue Shadow Virus.” Bow helped Ahsoka Tano find Padmé…
Day 428 – Adea Rite
Adea Rite was Admiral Rae Sloane’s personal assistant in the books Aftermath and Aftermath: Life Debt. While Rite worked closely…
Day 427 – Morna Kee
Morna Kee was Admiral Rae Sloane’s pilot in the book Aftermath. Kee was with Sloane during the Imperial Future Council…
Day 426 – Auxi Kray Korbin
Auxi Kray Korbin was the chief advisor to Chancellor Mon Mothma in all three books in the Aftermath book trilogy.…
Day 425 – Jylia Shale
Jylia Shale was a strategist and a general with the Imperial army in the novels Aftermath and Aftermath: Life Debt.…
Day 424 – Kyrsta Agate
Kyrsta Agate was a New Republic Starfleet commander in the books Aftermath, Aftermath: Life Debt, and Aftermath: Empire’s End. After…