Mora was heir to the monarchy on M’haeli in the Legends comic series River of Chaos. Mora was an orphan who was taken in by the H’drachi seer named Ch’no. Not familiar with the H’drachi? That’s not surprising as they only appeared in a few Legends materials.

Mora was a mechanic but ended up in the middle of the action between some Imperials and Rebels, including Leia Organa.
Here’s Mora with Leia …

and here she is about to be married off against her will to an Imperial named Grigor. (it all works out though)

You can find Mora in a few pre-Disney era Star Wars reference books but River of Chaos is the only Star Wars story she appeared in.
River of Chaos credits – Script – Louise Simonson, Pencils – June Brigman, Inks – Roy Richardson, Lettering – Steve Dutro, Coloring – David Nestelle.