Naboo is one of the many planets in the Star Wars universe ruled by a monarch. The Royal House of Naboo was both a monarchy and a democracy as the king or queen was elected by Naboo citizens. The most well-known monarch of Naboo, Queen Amidala, was introduced in The Phantom Menace. But she is far from the only Naboo monarch to play an important part in a Star Wars story. Over the years some monarchs have been introduced in reference books while others have appeared in films, novels, television series, and comics. Here is a look at Naboo monarchs found in Star Wars stories from various time periods from before the Battle of Theed to the days immediately after Return of the Jedi.
Note: Monarchs were elected for two-year terms. They could serve a total of two terms (so four years overall).
Our timeline begins with a few monarchs that have appeared in reference books. Some of these books came out in 2016 – so you’d think this would mean they are canon. But I’m putting more weight on fictional stories because the monarchs named in reference books do not line up with recent stories.
Legends Monarchs of Naboo
King Jafan & Queen Yram (sometime before the Battle of Naboo)
King Veruna (original predecessor to Amidala)
King Veruna served as Naboo’s king for the thirteen years before Pamdé Amidala according to Star Wars: Complete Locations. But I don’t think this information is still considered canon because of information in the new E.K. Johnston novel Queen’s Shadow. In Queen’s Shadow Queen Réillata is elected to her second term as the queen of Naboo. There is a reference to Réillata’s first term happening when “they [meaning Padmé and Réillata] were girls” which would mean her first term was most likely right before Amidala’s. I say this since Padmé was only 14 when she was first elected queen. The math just doesn’t work if Veruna was king for the 13 years before Padmé.
The most recent Star Wars Character Encyclopedia released in 2016 (also updated from a pre-Disney version) mentioned King Veruna in the entry for Sio Bibble but to me Veruna is Legends until he appears in a new Star Wars Story.
Canon Queens of Naboo
Queen Ekay and an Unnamed Queen (exact dates unknown)
The two earliest queens of Naboo appear in the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost (Queen Ekay) and the novel Master & Apprentice (unnamed).
All we really know about these two queens (or maybe they are the same queen?) is that they were around during the time period these stories took place which is shortly before the reign of Queen Réillata.
Queen Réillata (first term 36-34 BBY)
Queen Réillata debuted in the novel Queen’s Shadow. After her first term she chose to not run for re-election. She instead pursued a career singing opera. 36-34 BBY is a bit of a guess for Réillata’s first term, but I think it’s a solid one from additional information we learned in the novel Queen’s Peril.
Queen Sanandrassa (34-32 BBY)
Queen’s Peril introduces Queen Sanandrassa. Sanandrassa is described as Padmé Amidala’s predecessor so it’s easy to nail down her dates. Sanandrassa ran for re-election but she lost to Amidala.
Queen Amidala (32 BBY – 28 BBY)
Queen Amidala was born Padmé Naberrie. Padmé was elected queen of Naboo when she was 14 years old (not an unusual age for Naboo queens) and took the name Amidala. Amidala’s time as queen is the first time in the Star Wars timeline where we have some solid dates. Her service began in the year 32 BBY (meaning 32 years before the Battle of Yavin). She remained queen for two consecutive two-year terms. Her people encouraged Amidala to change the Naboo constitution to allow her to run for a third term but she chose to not pursue that idea.
Queen Réillata [second term] (28 BBY – 26 BBY)
Queen Réillata’s second term started in the year 28 BBY. From Queen’s Shadow: “R
Shortly after her election, Queen Réillata asks Padmé Amidala if she would accept the position of Naboo senator – which Padmé of course does. Note: If you thought Queen Jamillia was the one to ask Padmé about this, you had good reason to think so (see Jamillia’s entry below).
Assuming changes were not made to Naboo term limits during Réillata’s second time as queen I think it’s safe to say her term would have then ended at 26 BBY.
Queen Jamillia (26 BBY – 22 BBY)
Jamillia campaigned for
Senator Padmé Amidala visited Queen Jamillia shortly before the beginning of the Clone Wars in the film Attack of the Clones. Attack of the Clones took place in 22 BBY so it appears Jamillia served as Naboo’s queen for two consecutive terms and that this meeting took place near the end of her time as queen.
Note: Ultimate Star Wars mentions that Jamillia was the queen who encouraged Padmé to become a senator. That book is being updated later this year and if Jamillia still appears in that edition I’m assuming her entry will change significantly. In Attack of the
Queen Neeyutnee (22 BBY – 20 BBY)
Queen Neeyutnee was elected queen of Naboo directly after Queen Jamillia. Assuming Jamillia served as Naboo’s queen for four years that would put Queen Neeyutnee’s election date at 22 BBY, right around the start of the Clone Wars.
Queen Neeyutnee debuted in The Clone Wars episode “Blue Shadow Virus” which took place in 21 BBY. She appeared or was mentioned in a few other episodes of The Clone Wars.
Queen Apailana (20 BBY – unknown date)
Queen Apailana became Naboo’s monarch when she was just 12 years old in 20 BBY according to the 2011 edition of the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia (so this is pre-Disney/canon information but I don’t see why Lucasfilm would change these details). She ruled Naboo during the end of the Clone Wars and was seen in Padmé Amidala’s funeral procession at the end of Revenge of the Sith. Padmé died in 19 BBY so it looks like Apailana was queen for at least a year.
Another Legends detour
Queen Kylantha/Mairayni
The 2011 edition of the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia mentions that after Apailana’s death “the Emperor installs a puppet monarch – Queen Kylantha.” If you played the now Legends game Star Wars Galaxies that debuted in 2003 and was updated through 2011 that name might sound familiar. In Galaxies, Kylantha became queen of Naboo after Apailana was assassinated for trying to hide Jedi that survived Order 66.
Kylantha served as queen for many years and was followed by Queen
I mention both Kylantha and Mairayni because there’s plenty of room in the Star Wars timeline for them to re-appear in new canon stories.
Of note: The most recent edition of the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia (which published in 2016 – so canon territory) did not have an entry for Queen Jamillia, Neeyutnee, or Apailana – all three were only mentioned in pages for Sio Bibble of Captain Panaka. Jamillia doesn’t appear in the Attack of the Clones Visual Dictionary and Apailana is only briefly mentioned in the visual dictionary for Revenge of the Sith. So in many cases information about these queens is unknown or out of date. To put a more positive spin on this – there’s a lot of room for new books, novels, comics, etc. to expand the stories of these women.
Post Apailana Monarchs
Following Queen Apailana there’s a big time gap where nothing is known about the monarchs of Naboo. It’s unclear if Apailana served more than one term or what happened to her after the events of Revenge of the Sith. After the rise of Emperor
Queen Dalné (exact dates unknown, but she was Queen in 3 BBY)
Queen Dalné was one of Naboo’s monarchs during the time Panaka served as Naboo’s Governor. She debuted in the novel Leia, Princess of Alderaan and was about the same age as Leia. Queen Dalné and Leia worked together on a relief mission in the year 3 BBY. It’s unclear when Dalné was elected or how long she served as Naboo’s queen.
The next Queen of Naboo that appears in a Star Wars story takes place ABY – meaning the years after the Battle of Yavin.
Queen Sosha Soruna (exact dates unknown, but she was Queen in 4 ABY)
Queen Soruna was Naboo’s monarch during the end of the Empire’s reign over the galaxy. She appeared in the comic series Shattered Empire which took place less than a month after the Battle of Endor.
Beyond Queen
Sources: Wookieepedia, Star Wars: Complete Locations, Ultimate Star Wars, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia.
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