Krystina Arielle is the host the of The High Republic Show. She answered a few questions via email for this interview.
What is your first memory of Star Wars?
My earliest Star Wars memory is watching “The Ewoks” cartoon as a kid. I loved them and thought they were cute. I was three or four but I still remember the feeling I had watching it.
Who are some of your favorite Star Wars characters and why are they your favorites?
Leia for her grit and strength. Padmé for her wisdom. Lando for his inimitable swagger. Keeve Trennis for her vulnerability. Loden Greatstorm because of his Big Handsome Squidward energy.
I know from reading your interview at StarWars.com that four years ago you were a real estate agent and now you’re the host of the High Republic Show. What happened in those four years that led you to this hosting job?
I was actually the Education Coordinator at a Board of Realtors. I wasn’t happy and I decided that I wanted to pursue something that made me happy. I said that I would not take another job unless it was in entertainment and I’ve managed to have at least a gig a week since I left that situation. I dove headfirst into the worlds of Cosplay, pop culture, and acting. I followed my heart and my gut and it led me here.
How did you find out you would be the host of The High Republic Show? Was there any question that you would accept the job? Was there an audition?
I found out on a Zoom call with Mickey Capoferri and I was in shock but there was never any hesitation to accept it. I think when someone from Star Wars reaches out to you directly you just go with it and try to pick your jaw up off of the floor.
What does the job of host of this show entail?
Being the host of this show means a lot of research. I’ve been knee deep in High Republic material since December. As the host its my job to convey what’s going on in the High Republic books and comics. To connect readers with the authors and artists in a way that makes sure everyone knows we are all on this ride together. Learning as we go. This is an all new undiscovered era and it’s my joy to explore every bit of it. It’s not just I sit down and record. We have an incredible team of producers and writers. Being around such incredible people as John Harper, Kyle Kao, Mickey Capoferri, Anina Walas, Scott Bromley, Matt Martin, Frank Hernandez-Knight, and AJ Camarillo is such a delight. They are some of the most knowledgeable people I’ve ever met and they are truly passionate about Star Wars which makes the show even better. It takes a couple if days to film each episode and then the editors like Tony Sherg add the graphics that really take the show to the next level.
How long does it take to film the show and how much time then before it airs?
For my portion of the show we usually film for about three days. We have to film the main content and the interviews. Each episode also includes a special vignette that highlights people doing exceptional work at Lucasfilm for the High Republic. Be it the artists and writers, the creative team at ILMxLAB and so many more to come. The episodes usually come out at the end of the month so from the time I wrap it can be about a week or so before it goes live.
What order did you read the High Republic books and comics? Do you have advice for fans about reading order (if it’s important, best thing to start with, etc.)
I started with A Test Of Courage And The Great Jedi Rescue before moving on to Light Of The Jedi. We do have an outline on starwars.com/thehighrepublic that has the suggested read order. Starting with Light Of The Jedi is a good place to start if you want to go in order.
Who are some of your favorite High Republic characters?
I love love love Keeve Trennis. She’s a little awkward but completely capable. She has a level of compassion that, I feel, sets get up to be an incredible Jedi. I also love Orla Jareni. There’s so much I want to know about her and the road that leads her to become a Wayseeker. Not to mention her lightsaber is so cool!
Did anything surprise you about the High Republic era or this publishing event while you started to read through everything?
The way it starts out. After the first chapter my jaw dropped. It starts off with a bang and it’s immediately off to the races. I was really surprised. I know for a lot of people it’s hard to imagine a Star Wars works without a direct tie to the Skywalkers but these characters truly hold their own.
Who do you hope you can interview on future High Republic shows?
The interview I’m really hoping for is Phil Noto. To have the creative history that he does and to be so integral in creating these characters it would be an honor to hear about his experience.
You received a ton of harassment and abuse online when you were announced as the host of the High Republic Show. Would you like to address that?
Luke 6:28 kjv
I’ve seen a lot of amazing cosplay photos of you. When did you start doing cosplay and what do you enjoy about cosplaying?
My first official cosplay was at Dragon Con as Lieutenant Uhura in 2013. I really went hard into it in 2016. I just liked the idea of becoming these characters. I’m never trying to be the cosplayer cosplaying the actor playing the character. It’s me becoming that character. I try to cosplay characters that have touched my heart in some way or that honor people in my life that I shared those characters with. I love being a chameleon. In costume and in life.
Have you been to a Star Wars Celebration before? If so, any best moments?
I haven’t!! I’m so excited to go because every opportunity in the past has fallen through.
What Star Wars projects are you looking forward to the most in the upcoming years?
I’m a big fan of Leslye Headland and after seeing what she did with Russian Doll I’m excited to see what she does with The Acolyte. I’m excited to see Taika Watiti’s film because I know it’s going to be larger than life and brilliant. And of course, Kenobi. Obi-wan is one of my favorite characters and I can’t wait to have Ewan and Hayden back.
Can you talk about any projects (Star Wars or otherwise) you have coming up?
There are all new episodes of the High Republic Show bi-monthly and that’s about all I’m at liberty to say.
Find Krystina on social media here:
Instagram: @krystinaarielle
Twitter: @krystinaarielle
And see the first High Republic Show below!