Tales from the Podcast Stage continues with The ForceCast.
Tell me a bit about your Celebration experience. How many have you been to? Have you ever been on the podcast stage before (or applied but didn’t make it before)? Why did you apply to be on the podcast stage?
Daniel has been to four now, and Ryan has been to two. This has been the first one either of us has had to travel for since we are located in Orlando.
We have never been or even applied for the podcast stage before this. We took the ForceCast job in September of 2017, after Celebration Orlando, and we have really built a fun community since taking the job. We missed the first application deadline because we figured we would be so busy with interviewing and recording that we wouldn’t have the time. After talking over it once the deadline was extended, we decided it would be fun to party with our community on that stage. That is what Celebration is supposed to be about: fun.
How did you prepare for the podcast stage? Did you have a set structure for the conversation? Did you invite guests? Give out SWAG? Do giveaways?
We invited a few guests who actually agreed to come until their autograph schedules came out and it was conflicting. So we decided early on to have fun and just get everyone involved. There are plenty of panels where you can sit and hear people talk. It is very rare that the microphone comes into the audience and asks YOU to speak.
We gave out SWAG. Buttons and badges to be specific. We also gave away original artwork and 2 ForceCast hats.
What were the highlights from your appearance on the podcast stage? Any big surprises (good or bad)?
The surprise is that the room was almost full. We were on Saturday at 3 PM and we really didn’t push the promotion too hard with all that was going on. The podcast stage was also kind of hard to find, so we weren’t sure what to expect. The crowd was pumped and fun to be around, which was awesome.
The highlight just had to be hearing from everyone. Daniel ran through the crowd just putting the mic in front of anyone who would talk. A lot of folks we’re pumped to be able to speak.
Is there anything you wish you would have done differently?
If we had known about the guests earlier, we probably would have dedicated more time to a structure within the 45 minutes.
Will you be at Anaheim in 2020 and if so do you think you’ll apply to be on the podcast stage again?
Absolutely. We’ve already heard from folks who are going to be there and want to see the show LIVE!
How can people find your podcast online?
Anywhere podcasts are found and our site, Forcecast.net.
Click on this link or the image below to listen to The ForceCast SWCC episode.